.. _2 ADB Frequently Used Command: 2 ADB Frequently Used Command =============================== 1. Modify screen density --------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: java adb shell wm density 560 Note: only applicable for Android 2D app, not for VR app 2. Get VR headset software version --------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: java adb shell "getprop | grep ro.pvr.internal.version" 3. Screen recording --------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: java adb shell screenrecord --time-limit 10 /sdcard/demo.mp4 Note: without “--time-limit 10”, default duration of the video will be 180 seconds 4. Send broadcast with action ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. code-block:: java adb shell am broadcast -a com.picovr.wing.player.playorpause 5. Show package name of installed application on device ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. code-block:: java adb shell pm list packages 6. Launch application with package name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. code-block:: java adb shell am start -p com.xxx.xxx 7. Get apk path with package name ----------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: java adb shell pm path com.xxx.xxx 8. Launch Firefox browser with specified link ----------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: java adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "https://ggnome.com/samples/pano2vr_5/tower/" org.mozilla.vrbrowser/org.mozilla.vrbrowser.VRBrowserActivity 9. Get IP address ----------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: java adb shell ifconfig 10. Get MAC address ----------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: java adb shell cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address 11. Modify system attribute ----------------------------------------------------------- Format of adb command to modify system attribute: adb shell setprop [Attribute] [Parameter] .. code-block:: java Example: adb shell setprop persist.psensor.screenoff.delay 30 11.1. System sleep timeout ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.psensor.sleep.delay Parameter: positive integer Note: the unit is in seconds. to keep the system never sleep, parameter should set to -1. 11.2. Screen shutdown timeout ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.psensor.screenoff.delay Parameter: positive integer Note: the unit is in seconds. to keep the screen never shutdown, parameter should set to 65535, and make sure to set the system never sleep first. 11.3. Long press home button to reset orientation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pxr.3dof.freedom.calibration Parameter: 0: to reset orientation only horizontally; 1: to reset orientation horizontally and vertically 11.4. 2D window default scaling ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.2dtovr.screen_scale Parameter: 1: one times scaling; 2: two times scaling; 3: three times scaling Note: need to reboot device. 11.5. Set controller calibration on device boot-up ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.openrecenter Parameter: 0: to turn on power on calibration; 1: to turn off power on calibration 11.6. Single-eyed mode screen cast ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.wfd.enable Parameter: 0: to turn off single-eyed mode; 1: to turn on single-eyed mode 11.7. Turn on system logcat ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.logcatch Parameter: 0: to turn off system logcat; 1: to turn on system logcat Note: need to reboot device. 11.8. Storage logcatch into internal storage ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.isLog2SDCard Parameter: 0: to turn off; 1: to turn on Note: need to reboot device. 11.9. Modify display mode ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: pvr.display.type Parameter: G2 3K: jdi3k75fps jdi3k90fps ;G2 4K: jdi2kt4k75 jdi4k75 11.10. Set FPS limit ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.config.target_fps Parameter: positive integer Note: to release limit, parameter should set to -1. 11.11. Set eyebuffer width ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.config.eyebuffer_width Parameter: 1600; 2048; 2496(width and height recommend to be 1:1) 11.12. Set eyebuffer heigth ----------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.config.eyebuffer_height Parameter: 1600; 2048; 2496(width and height recommend to be 1:1) 11.13. Whether to reset the pose data when the HMD wakes up ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.psensor.reset_pose Parameter: 0: to turn off; 1: to turn on 11.14. Whether to show the confirm panel when the device is connected -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.show.adb_confirm Parameter: 0: to hide; 1: to show 11.15. OTG Charging mode ---------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.otgmode Parameter: 0: to turn off; 1: to turn on 11.16. Settings of The Return Button of 2d Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.2dtovr.button_back Parameter: 0: to hide; 1: to show; 11.17. USB Plug-in Boot Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.prebootmode Parameter: 0: to charge; 1: to boot; 11.18. Combination keys ---------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.mulkey.enable Parameter: 0: to turn off; 1: to turn on; 11.19. Accepting Upgrade from System ---------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.accept.systemupdates Parameter: 0: not to accept; 1: to accept; 11.20. Charging while using ---------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.charge.policy Parameter: 3 means on, 1 means off 11.21. Do you want to display the app permission prompt window --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvrpermission.autogrant Parameter: 0 means on, 1 means off 11.22. Auto sleep mode ---------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute: persist.pvr.sleep_by_static Parameter: 1 means on, 0 means off