3 Manual Modification Scheme

  • Step1:get the configuration file “SystemKeyConfig.prop”; (available on: https://github.com/picoxr/system-key-config-runtime/blob/master/resource/SystemKeyConfig.prop)
  • Step2:Open the configuration file “SystemKeyConfig.prop” with Notepad
  • Step3:Modify the definitions of keys

Modify Home key

  • G2 4K series/ Neo2 series

    The key values of the home keys include tap, double-tap, long press as follows:

    action_home_single_tap Tap
    action_home_double_tap Double-tap
    action_home_long_press Long press

    The above key values can be set at 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7. The response corresponding to each value is as below:

    0: Invalid;

    1: Boot the applications in the specified package names or class names;

    2: Back to Launcher;

    3: Launch Settings;

    4: Back;

    5: No function, but send the key notice;

    6: Reset the front direction;

    7: Clean up background Apps;

  • Neo 3 series

    The key values of the home keys include tap, double-tap as follows:

    action_home_single_tap Tap
    action_home_double_tap Double-tap

    The above key values can be set at 0/2/3/6. The response corresponding to each value is as below:

    0: Invalid;

    2: Back to Launcher;

    3: Launch Settings;

    6: Reset the front direction;

    Set the values to the keys according to the needs. For example, to change the Home key to Back functionality please modify the key as below,


    The following keys are used to set the double-tap interval and long press duration (in milliseconds):

    time_home_double_tap time gap between the two Home button click (ms)
    time_home_long_press duration of Home button long press function (ms)

    When setting Home button functionality to 1, it is required to set the to-be-booted application package name and class name with the following keys,

    action_home_XXX_package package name of the to-be-booted application
    action_home_XXX_class class name of the to-be-booted application

    Here XXX refers to single_tap, double_tap and long_press For example, to launch the application with package name “com.picovr.settings” and class name “com.picovr.vrsettingslib.UnityActivity” by single tapping on Home button, please set the keys as below,


Disable other keys on the headset

The parameters are defined as below,

action_key_enter Confirm button, on the side of the headset
action_key_volumeup Volum Up button
action_key_volumedown Volum Down button
action_key_back Back button, on top of the confirm button
action_power_long_press Power button long press function
action_power_single_tap Power button single tap function

Set the key value to 0 to disable the button default functionality. For example, to disable the Confirm button, change the codes as below,


To reserve the key, please comment the related parameter in configuration file. For example,

  • Step4:Open adb, and copy files to the data/local/tmp directory. Instructions are as follows: adb push SystemKeyConfig.prop /data/local/tmp/
  • Step5: Reboot the device.